Pride Housing
Managed & Owned Properties
Pride, Inc. is involved in the direct and indirect management and operation of HUD Conventional Low-Income Housing, Section 8, Market Rate, New Construction, and the Tax Credit Affordable Housing Programs.
Conventional Low-Income Housing
Pride, Inc. provides housing units for individuals receiving services and individuals with low income. Where possible, buildings are integrated with individuals who receive services and those who do not.
Tax Credit Affordable Housing
Pride, Inc. owns and manages Tax Credit rental units. The program is for households with low to moderate incomes. Individuals residing in this program must meet the income limit.
Single Family Housing
Pride, Inc. provides single family housing; some at market rates and others at subsidized rates.
We are an equal opportunity housing provider. We fully comply with the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity. We do not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status of the family. We also comply with all state and local fair housing laws.
Rental units become available when they are ready to rent. A vacant unit will not be deemed available until it has been cleaned and prepared for a new resident.
Pride, inc. is committed to providing, managing, and promoting quality affordable housing to diverse populations. Residents will be impartially selected based upon the criteria specified below.
Appropriate Family Size – It is important that housing units are maximized to ensure that as many individuals as possible are housed. Therefore, the household size must be appropriate for the available unit – at least one person per bedroom and not more than two people per bedroom.
Legal age - You must be 18 years or older if applying for occupancy as head of household or co-head of household.
Income - The household income must fall within the established guidelines for the Federal or State program requirements.
Students – Depending on the regulations of specific Federal or State programs, students may not be eligible for some units.
Applicant Rental History – We will consider only three years prior to the date of application. Good rental history includes, for example, honoring the obligations of prior leases, honoring the rules of the community, engaging in a pattern of respectful conduct toward other community members, and leaving the community in the same condition as it was when it was initially rented.
Evictions filed within one year and resulting in a judgment from date of application may be cause for denial of rental application. If the eviction is filed in connection with a foreclosure of the primary residence, it will not result in denial.
APPEAL OR REVIEW: Applicant may request an appeal or review if the only reason for denial is rental history and if they can show that the reported history is false or there were extenuating circumstances such as serious illness or loss of job. An apartment will not be held for the applicant during the appeal process.
Credit History – An applicant’s past financial performance in the form of credit history will be used to determine their likelihood of rental success. The following criteria will be applied on an individual basis and is limited to debts incurred within the twelve (12) month period preceding the application:
At least five negative credit items or negative credit items totaling $5,000.00 or more within one year of the application may result in a denial. A negative credit item is defined as a charge-off, bad debt, or a current late account over 90-days past due.
Court actions for collections resulting in judgements, either pending or levied, may result in denial if the cumulative total, including negative credit items, exceeds $5,000.00.
EXCEPTIONS: Discharged bankruptcy proceedings, and the debts that have been discharged thereunder, past due medical bills, student loans, or a foreclosure of your primary residence will not be considered a negative credit item. Negative credit history will not be considered for individuals who have a Representative Payee.
APPEAL OR REVIEW: Applicant may request an appeal or review if the only reason for denial is credit history and if they can show that the reported history is false or there were extenuating circumstances, for example, a serious illness. An apartment will not be held for the applicant during the appeal process.
Criminal History - Only conviction history will be considered for denial. All timeframes are determined from the date of the application.
The following criminal convictions, or convictions for conspiracy, will result in a fifteen (15) year denial period: murder; kidnapping or false imprisonment; weapons crimes; arson; crimes against children; sex crimes; robbery; assault and/or battery.
Other felony convictions not listed above will result in a five (5) year denial period.
Felony convictions relating to distribution of illegal drugs will result in a five (5) year denial period.
Misdemeanors or petty crimes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Misdemeanor or petty crimes involving operation of a motor vehicle will not be considered.
Any convictions for possession of marijuana will not be considered.
In the case of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking convictions, where the applicant is a victim, determination of tenancy or occupancy will be made on a case-by-case-basis in compliance with the Violence Against Women Act or state law.
APPEAL OR REVIEW: Applicant may request an appeal or review if they believe a denial based on criminal background is based upon incorrect or insufficient information. An apartment will not be held for the applicant during the appeal process.
Behavior and Conduct - If applicant exhibits any of the following, Management has the right to deny their application for housing: display of uncooperative, abusive or belligerent attitude towards Management and/or members of an interviewing committee during the application process, providing information on application or in an interview which is false, misrepresented, incomplete or non-verifiable.
Denial of Application: In the event any application is not approved, the applicant shall be notified, in writing, by first class mail as to the reasons for non-selection and whom to contact for additional information.
VAWA (Violence Against Women Act): Applicant may not be denied tenancy solely based on criminal activity directly related to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking if the applicant otherwise qualifies for admission or occupancy.
Verification: Information provided on your application will be verified. For required verification purposes, applicants must sign a written authorization and release of information.
Applications are not considered complete until all required verifications have been obtained.
Reasonable Accommodation: If you require reasonable accommodation, please inform the manager. A response will be provided within 10 days of the receipt of the request.
Housing Application: Pride housing applications may be printed and dropped off at Pride, Inc. or returned by mail to P.O. Box 4086, Bismarck, ND 58504.
Rental Application/Background Check